A.P.D.E.E. – Portuguese Association for the Development of Electrical Engineering
Executive Committee
Cooperation and Institution
Cooperation Agreement
Past Conferences








To fullfill its objectives, A.P.D.E.E. shall develop the activities considered adequate by the General Assembly namely:

a) Promote the organization of Scientific events, Congresses, Conferences, Symposia, Courses, Exhibitions and other similar activities, disseminating the scientific knowledge through appropriate means of communication (publication of books, CDROM, etc.);

b) Organize the biennial event Portuguese-Spanish Congresses in Electrical Engineering that alternate between Portugal and Spain;

c) Promote the scientific exchange of information with Institutions and among national / international researchers;

d) Promote and support iniciatives (like advanced courses) leading to the increase of technical capabilities of Human Resources in Electrical Engineering;

e) Promote and perform research work in Electrical Engineering;

f) Perform scientific-technical studies and consulting services to the comunity;

g) Assure the publication of a scientific journal (Portuguese-Spanish) in Electrical Engineering;

h) Obtain adequate financial sponsorships for the activities mentioned above.



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